موجوده شين جي پيڪنگنگ انڊسٽريز ۾، پلاسٽڪ پيڪنگنگ بيگز ۾ مختلف شين جي پيڪنگنگ ۽ ڊسپلي ۾ تمام گهڻو استعمال ڪيا ويندا آهن. نه رڳو اهي تحفظ ۽ سهولت فراهم ڪن ٿا، پر اهي پراڊڪٽ پروموشن ۽ پيشڪش جي لاء اهم اوزار جي طور تي خدمت ڪن ٿا. تنهن ڪري، صحيح پلاسٽڪ پيڪنگنگ ٿيلهو کي چونڊڻ واري پيشي جي پيڪنگنگ ۽ واڌاري لاء اهم آهي.
سڀ کان پهرين، جڏهن هڪ مناسب پلاسٽڪ پيڪنگنگ ٿيلهو کي چونڊڻ گهرجي، توهان کي پهريان پهرين خاصيتن ۽ پيڪنگنگ جي ضرورتن تي غور ڪرڻ گهرجي. For example, for fragile products, it is necessary to choose plastic packaging bags with a certain thickness and wear resistance to ensure that the goods are not damaged during transportation and storage. For goods that are easily damaged or prone to leakage, it is necessary to choose plastic packaging bags with good sealing properties to ensure the quality and safety of the goods. In addition, you also need to consider the shape and size of the product and choose the appropriate bag size and shape to ensure that the goods can be packaged and displayed perfectly.
ٻيو، پراڊڪٽ واڌاري ۽ ڊسپلي جي ضرورت کي به سمجهڻ جي ضرورت آهي. Plastic packaging bags can not only be used for product packaging and protection, but also serve as an important tool for product promotion and display. تنهن ڪري، جڏهن پلاسٽڪ پيڪنگنگ بيگز کي چونڊڻ گهرجي، توهان کي سمجهڻ جي ضرورت آهي ته ذاتي ترتيب گهربل آهي. You can make the product more prominent in packaging and display and attract consumers' attention by printing the company's LOGO, corporate slogans and product information. پراڊڪٽس جي برانڊ تصوير ۽ مارڪيٽ جي مقابلي کي وڌايو.
ان کان علاوه، مناسب پلاسٽڪ پيڪنگنگ بيگز کي چونڊڻ جي ضرورت آهي پروڊڪٽ پيڪنگنگ ۽ ڊسپلي جي ماحول ۽ منظر تي غور ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي. According to different environments and scenarios, choosing the appropriate plastic packaging bag can better display the features and advantages of the product. For example, for retail display environments, you can choose plastic packaging bags with good transparency and gloss so that customers can see the appearance and characteristics of the goods more clearly. For the outer packaging display environment, you can choose plastic packaging bags with dust-proof, moisture-proof and anti-static functions to ensure that the product is not affected by the external environment during the outer packaging process.
پوسٽ جو وقت: جنوري 10-2024