Ma te rongonui o te maarama taiao, he nui ake te maha o nga tangata e aro nui ana ki te paanga o nga hua kirihou ki te taiao. Traditional plastic bags are often difficult to degra...
Ko te taapiri a Gravure he mahinga taarua-kounga nui e whakamahi ana i te papa pereti whakarewa me nga pūtau kua tukuna hei whakawhiti i te waituhi kirihou, i etahi atu papaa ranei. The ink is transferred from the cells...
Ko nga peeke kirihou kirihou he waahanga nui o o taatau ao, ina koa i whakamahia mo te penapena me te kawe i o maatau ra. Plastic bags offer a practical solution when it c...
In the field of food packaging, eye-catching product packaging design is key. From product variety to varying consumer preferences, the food industry requires effective packaging solutions. Tuhinga o mua
He matakite nga kaiwhakahaere, kei a raatau te whakaaro mo nga painga tahi, me te whakapai tonu me nga mahi hou, he korero whakamiharo me te mahi tahi.
He tino pai nga taonga, he mahana te kaiwhakahaere o te kamupene, ka haere mai tatou ki tenei kamupene ki te hoko i muri atu.
He tino waimarie ki te rapu i taua kaihanga ngaio me te kawenga nui, he pai te kounga o te hua me te tuku i te waa, he tino pai.
With a positive attitude of regard the market, regard the custom, regard the science, the company works actively to do research and development. Ko te tumanako kei a maatau nga hononga pakihi a meake nei me te whakatutuki angitu i te angitu.
Ka mahi tahi me koe i nga wa katoa he angitu, tino koa. Hope that we can have more cooperation!