Neach-dèanamh pacaidh sa bhat a 'dèanamh pocannan bun-loidhne àbhaisteach zipper gu h-ìosal airson salainneadh math Healalayan
Brand: gd
Àireamh Nì: GD-8BC0005
Dùthaich Tùs: Guangdong, Sìona
Seirbheisean gnàthaichte: ODM / OEM
Seòrsa clò-bhualaidh: Clò-bhualadh grabhataidh
Modh Pàighidh: L / C, Aonadh an Iar, T / T -
Bidh ioma-chànanach a 'seasamh suas suaicheantas Clò-bhuailte Custom Topt Togalaichean gus brand Companaidh a thaisbeanadh
Brand: gd
Àireamh Nì: gd-8BC0004
Dùthaich Tùs: Guangdong, Sìona
Seirbheisean gnàthaichte: ODM / OEM
Seòrsa clò-bhualaidh: Clò-bhualadh grabhataidh
Modh Pàighidh: L / C, Aonadh an Iar, T / T -
Tha am baga aig a 'bhonn còmhnard pacair salainn a' giùlan agus a 'fosgladh airson a chleachdadh a-rithist
Brand: gd
Àireamh Nì: GD-8BC0003
Dùthaich Tùs: Guangdong, Sìona
Seirbheisean gnàthaichte: ODM / OEM
Seòrsa clò-bhualaidh: Clò-bhualadh grabhataidh
Modh Pàighidh: L / C, Aonadh an Iar, T / T -
Baga bun rèidh - poca bìdh peata
Flat Square bottom Pouch is adopted largedly in the Pet food Packaging. The flat bottom pouch is commonly with a capacity of 1kg, 3kg and 5kg cat treats, dog treats, The treats can be consumed in a short time so they can be kept fresh though a resealable ziplock zipper is on the top of the flat bottom pouch . The material, dimension and artwork of the flat bottom pouch can be customed made according to your requirements. Three layers of material film are often laiminated in the structure of this kind of flat square bottom pouch for pet food packaging. Stand up pouch and qual deal bags can be also adopted in pet food packaging also. We make the best pet food packaging pouch to maximize freshness, flavor and nutrition with varied material structures and bag types. We offer a full range of pet treats packing products for goods protection, freshness and sustainability.