Gude Packaging Materials Co., Ltd.-en, gure bezeroen behar bereziak eta eskakizunak eskaintzen dituzten neurrira egindako plastikozko ontziratzeko soluzioak emateko gure gaitasunean harro gaude. With our expertise in gravure printing and extensive knowledge of the packaging industry, we offer a seamless process that delivers personalized packaging solutions from design to delivery. Our custom-made approach allows our customers to have full control over the design and size of their plastic packaging bags. Whether you require a specific shape, size, or style, such food packaging bag as flat square bottom pouch, stand up zipper pouch, side gusset bag and 3 side seal zipper bag, we work closely with you to bring your vision to life. From selecting the perfect material and structural design to incorporating your branding elements, our team of experienced professionals ensures that every detail of your packaging bags aligns with your packaging goals and target audience. One of our key strengths is our ability to provide expert guidance on material structure based on the intended purpose of your packaging. We understand that different products require different levels of protection and barrier properties. Candy bags can be different from Coffee bags. Our team, armed with an in-depth understanding of various packaging materials and their specifications, advises you on the best material choices to ensure optimum product preservation, shelf life, and visual appeal. The process begins with a collaborative consultation, where our experts discuss your packaging requirements and goals. We listen carefully to your ideas, preferences, and brand identity, ensuring that we capture your unique essence in the final design. Once we understand your vision, we can give a complete solution suggestion concerning the bag style and material structure, etc. When the design is finalized and the order is settled, our team applies advanced gravure printing techniques to bring your design to life with stunning clarity and precision. Throughout the production process, our quality assurance team conducts rigorous inspections to ensure that each plastic packaging bag meets our stringent standards of excellence. We not only strive for visually appealing and functional plastic packaging, but also prioritize eco-friendly options by utilizing sustainable materials and embracing eco-conscious practices. Finally, we take care of timely delivery, ensuring that your customized packaging bags reach you seamlessly. Our commitment to efficiency and reliability means you can expect your orders to be fulfilled promptly and accurately, no matter the size or complexity. Partnering with Gude Packaging Materials Co., Ltd. means gaining access to a team of experts dedicated to delivering custom-made plastic packaging solutions tailored to your unique needs. Experience the power of personalization and stand out in the competitive market with excenlent food packaging that captures your brand identity, provides outstanding protection, and leaves a lasting impression on your customers.
1. Aukeratu ontziratze estiloa.
Normalean erabilitako poltsa estiloa:
A. Beheko beheko Gusset poltsa, zutik jarri poltsa, 3 alboko zigilu poltsa, 3 poltsa estilo horiek guztiak kremailerarik gabe egin daitezke goialdean.

B. Itzuli zigilu poltsa, atzeko zigilu poltsa Gusset-ekin, poltsa mota hau ezin da kremailerarekin egin.

2. Aukeratu materialaren egitura
A: 2 geruza laminatuta:
Kanpoko geruza bopp edo matt bopp edo maskota edo pa izan daiteke;
Barruko geruza PE edo CPP edo Metalizatu CPP edo BOPP metalizatu daiteke;

Kanpoko geruza bopp edo matt bopp edo maskota edo pa izan daiteke.
Erdiko geruza izan daiteke: metalezko maskota, edo bopp metalizatua edo aluminiozko papera, kraft papera.
barruko geruza pe edo cpp.
3. Prestatu ontzi poltsaren artelanak poltsa estiloa eta poltsa dimentsioa finkatzen direnean.
PDF formatuan jatorrizko artelanak behar ditugu, edo PSD formatuan, zilindroaren prentsa inprimatzeko.
Artelanen diseinua berriro antolatuko dugu zilindroaren funtzionamenduaren arabera eta bidali zure berri emateko.
4. 5 egun inguru behar dira inprimatzeko zilindroa prest edukitzeko, orduan inprimatzera, laminatzeak, ebaki eta poltsak egitera joango da.

Zilindroaren prozesua



Posta: 2012ko azaroaren 22a