Gravure printing is a high-quality printing process that uses a metal plate cylinder with recessed cells to transfer ink onto plastic film or other substrates. The ink is transferred from the cells to the material, creating the desired image or pattern.In the case of laminated material films, gravure printing is commonly used for packaging and labeling purposes. The process involves printing the desired design or information onto a thin plastic film,often call as outer film, or face film, such as BOPP, PET and PA, which is then laminated to create a layered structure.The film used in gravure printing for Gelamineerde materiale is tipies van 'n saamgestelde materiaal, soos 'n kombinasie van plastiek- en aluminiumfoelie. The combination can be PET+Aluminum foil+PE, 3 Layers or PET+PE, 2 layers, This composite laminated film provides durability, offers barrier properties to prevent moisture or air penetration, and enhances the overall look and feel of the packaging. Tydens die gravure -drukproses word die ink van die gegraveerde silinders op die filmoppervlak oorgedra. Die gegraveerde selle hou die ink vas, en 'n dokterblad verwyder die oortollige ink uit die nie-beeldgebiede, wat slegs die ink in die ingeboude selle laat. Die film gaan oor die silinders en kom in kontak met die ink -selle, wat die ink na die film oordra. Hierdie proses word vir elke kleur herhaal. Byvoorbeeld, as daar tien kleure benodig word vir die ontwerp, sal daar 10 silinders benodig word. Die film sal oor al hierdie 10 silinders loop. Once the printing is complete, the printed film is then laminated with other layers (such as adhesive, other films, or paperboard) to create a multi-layered structure. The printing face will be laminated with other film, which means the printed area is kept in the middle, between 2 films, like the meat and vegetable in a sandwich. Dit sal nie die kos van binne kontak maak nie, en dit sal nie van buite weggekrap word nie. The laminated films can be used for various applications, including food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, daily-used products, any flexible packaging solutions.The combination of gravure printing and laminated materials film offers excellent print quality, durability, and enhanced product presentation, making it 'N Gewilde keuse in die verpakkingsbedryf.

Buitenste film vir drukdoeleindes, innerlike film vir hitte-verseëling doel,
Middelfilm vir die verbetering van versperrings, ligbestand.
Postyd: Nov-22-2023